What we/I need

Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo Quarterly
february / may 2021
The journey that puts us on the road to beauty, truth, justice.

The journey that puts us on the road to beauty, truth, justice.

A conversation between Valentina Valentini and Don Cosimo Scordato

Valentina Valentini:  The question we ask in this issue is: “What do we/I need?”. From the Christian viewpoint, what is necessary to give sense to an individual’s existence, what responsibilities does each person have towards himself and towards society? Don Cosimo...



Michela Lucenti

Every breath we draw wards off the death that constantly impinges on, so that each second we are struggling with death. Arthur Schopenhauer   Every so often the chaos of the world seems to get simpler.In this time of forced solitude paradoxically we are all...

“Why don’t you dance?”

Paolo Emilio Cenciarelli

There is a wonderful and fantastic short story by Carver where a man puts all his furniture on show in the front garden in order to sell it. A young couple arrives and together with the owner of the furniture start to dance in the garden, drinking whiskey, dancing to...

Las Piedras

Las Piedras

Laida Azkona Goñi and Txalo Toloza-Fernández

For this article we preferred the original language instead of translating into English. Los elementos arrastrados por el río crean en su viaje herido profundas llanuras fértiles. Daniela Catrileo, Río herido, 2016. En marzo de 2018, al final del verano, Leo Gamboa,...

Fire – Ash – Silence

Fire – Ash – Silence

Alfredo Pirri

“...Fire is both intimate and universal. It lives in our hearts. It lives in the sky. It comes from the bottomless pit of substance and presents itself as love. It sinks back down into the substance and hides itself, invisible, dormant as hate and vengeance. It really...



Emanuele Braga

I have always considered the skin as a sense organ, or perhaps the most important one. On our skin delicately lands the most significant philosophical question, that is: where do I end?Maybe for this reason at times so much energy and tension accumulates on our skin...

Anaconda and I

Anaconda and I

Vaiva Grainytė

A shocking message landed in my inbox this fall. I had almost forgotten that, last year, I had spat some saliva into a tube and sent it to a lab to learn more about my origins, potential health concerns, and potentially inherited diseases. I received the results after...

We and I

We and I

Enrico Castellani (Babilonia Teatri)

We and I. To separate them only you and him. Yet the rift is deep. Almost an abyss. A crack that seems not to allow the presence of a bridge connecting the two strips of land. That crack turns into a wall. It becomes a house. It becomes comfort. It becomes...

We and I.
To separate them only you and him.
Yet the rift is deep.
Almost an abyss.
A crack that seems not to allow the presence of a bridge connecting the two strips of land.

We’d like to thank all the authors who have contributed with their texts to make this Issue n.2 possible. We also thank the English translator and who reviewed the articles; Lorenzo Giansante for creating the website; Andrea Vendetti for creating the front page graphics; the photographer Paolo Emilio Cenciarelli for realizing the photo report; and the whole editorial team.