
Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo Quarterly
june / september 2021
For a learning community in Quarticciolo

For a learning community in Quarticciolo

Comunità Educante Quarticciolo

“To get free, escaping is not enoughwe have to build togethera world with no masters,either good or bad.A happy and honest worldwhere nobody is bossed.If this world does not existyou and I will create it!”. Gianni Rodari   We intend to carry out an educational...

Art is not an innocent field

Art is not an innocent field

Il campo innocente

Art is not an innocent field. Are you working at the moment? Are you fighting?Do you manage to do both actions, or does one exclude the other?What fascinates you? What gives you relief?Do reasonable working relations exist inside the variegated world of...

The two images

Paolo Emilio Cenciarelli

Double is a present concept, to be understood as a doubling of reality.It is not a thought of multiplying, instead, not being exponential, it remains a more intimate movement.The two faces understood not as one the substitute of the other, but as a plurality of...

‘this side’ and ‘that side’: A manifesto

‘this side’ and ‘that side’: A manifesto

Alternative Disability Quality Artists

“There is a wall,” we said, “and therefore there is a ‘this side’ and a ‘that side’.” [The use of the word ‘side’ relates to an untranslatable pun: the name of the association is Al Di Qua, which is an abbreviation of Alternative Disability Qualities. However, in...

slower, deeper, kinderA donkeyish manifesto for interculture

slower, deeper, kinder
A donkeyish manifesto for interculture

Asinitas onlus

IntercultureIt’s a kind of swearword, born to create a hole and then build a bridge of fragile sticks over it.It’s a word each one of us interprets in the way he likes, wearing a sari over sneakers, eating out at a Chinese restaurant, listening to African music.It’is...

Gender Variant

Gender Variant

Porpora Marcasciano (MIT - Movement for Trans Identity)

Leaving aside the kaleidescopic meaning of identity, in the present manifesto we will try to concentrate on the identity of gender, searching for its significance and meaning including all its reflections on culture and on the individual. The transexual or transgender...

For A New Musical Education

For A New Musical Education

Lucio Leoni and Filippo Rea

The deepest joy of playing music is not the clapping, the money, the glory (or, not only) but learning to breathe with others, feel the silence that comes before and after every musical event, listen together with others. Once more we learn that without our body,...

Grazie agli autori dei testi che hanno contribuito a realizzare questo Numero 2; a chi ha tradotto in inglese e a chi ha revisionato; a Lorenzo Giansante per la realizzazione del sito; ad Andrea Vendetti per la realizzazione della testata; a Paolo Emilio Cenciarelli per aver realizzato per noi il servizio fotografico; al team della redazione.